Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our campaign- The Legends of Avalorr.

Our Fantasy Hero campaign is based on the continent of Adon in the World of Avalorr. This is the world created by Reaper Miniatures for their old tabletop miniatures wargame Dark Heaven Apocalypse. This has been expanded on a bit in their newer game Warlord.

The rulebook for DHA is only about 25% rules with the rest of the book being fluff laying out all the major kingdoms on the continent of Adon, which is all very well written with a lot of flavor to the different kingdoms. For the most part it's standard fantasy, with humans, elves, dwarves, etc. and so forth. There's a lot written about the undead of this world though, with Reaper's own take on how they all came into being. I'll detail all that later if it comes into play at some point.

There is one race that i added, which is the Volar, borrowed from Iron Crown Enterprises game HARP, or High Adventure Role Playing. My step-son wanted to play a winged character, so POOF the Volar appear.

This is where I decided to set our game world to start. I have some ideas for what the other continents may be, one of which is a hodge-podge of my own making called Faethis. Who knows, maybe Middle Earth will be in this world too.

I've done some tweaking to the world at large, putting my own twists and ideas to parts of it. I'm a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft, so there will be some Mythos elements worked into it in places. The PCs may have to venture to the far northern reaches of the world at some point, journeying to the forgotten lands of Khadath in the Cold Waste and the Plains of Leng. The PCs have already had one hint of activity of a cult of a certain Great Old One.

Lots of idea theft going on, but hey, I'm new to this right? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Don't think of it as idea theft, but the liberation of oppressed ideas.
